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About Tchaikovsky Tchaikovsky Sheet Music Tchaikovsky videos

Quick Facts About Tchaikovsky

Full Name: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Birth Place: Kamsko-Votkinsk, Vyatka, Russia
Date of Birth: 7-May-1840
Date of Death: 6-Nov-1893
Trivia: There is an argument whether he is gay or not, but concluding form the results, his sexual orientaiton is straite.

Commonly Asked Questions About Tchaikovsky

What is Tchaikovsky full name?

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

When was Tchaikovsky born?


When did Tchaikovsky die?


Who was part of Tchaikovskys family tree?

Father: Ilya Petrovitch Tchaikovsky (ironworks manager, d. 1880), Mother: Aleksandra Andreevna d'Assier (d. 1854), Sister: Zinaida (half-sister, b. 1829, d. 1878), Brother: Nikolay Ilyich Tchaikovsky ("Kolya", b. 1838, d. 1911), Sister: Aleksandra Ilyinichna Tchaikovskaya ("Sasha", b. 1842, d. 1891), Brother: Ipppolit Ilyich Tchaikovsky (b. 1843, d. 1927), Brother: Anatoly Ilyich Tchaikovsky (b. 1850, d. 1915), Brother: Modest Ilyich Tchaikovsky (b. 1850, d. 1916), Wife: Antonina Milyukova (m. 1877, sep. six weeks later) Slept with: Vladimir Shilovsky (student)

What is Tchaikovsky's gender?


What is Tchaikovsky's race or ethnicity?


Where are Tchaikovsky's remains located?

Buried, Tikhvin Cemetery, Alexander Nevsky Monastery, St. Petersburg, Russia

Where did Tchaikovsky die?

St. Petersburg, Russia

How old would Tchaikovsky be if he would currently be alive in the year of 2009?

About 169 years old

What were Tchaikovsky's hobbies?

What instruments did Tchaikovsky compose for?

How old was Tchaikovsky when he died?


How old was Tchaikovsky when he composed his first piece?

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